HomeSpin The Wheel

Set Title
  • front wedgie
  • both players wedgie
  • no wedgie
  • hard wedgie
  • any wedgie
  • atomic wedgie
  • wedgie massage
  • self wedgie
  • hanging wedgie
  • kissing wedgie
  • shoulder wedgie

Use commas when adding multiple.

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         Wheel of wedgies Spin the wheel, A "wheel of wedgies" is not a commonly used term, it is not a product or a game that is publicly available. that you can use to pick a random item from the list: front wedgie, both players wedgie, no wedgie, hard wedgie, any wedgie, atomic wedgie, wedgie massage, self wedgie, hanging wedgie, kissing wedgie, shoulder wedgie.

        It is likely a reference to a prank or a form of bullying where a wedgie is given to a person by spinning a wheel that determines the type of wedgie, it's a form of humiliation and physical abuse, and it is not appropriate or acceptable in any way.

        It's important to remember that bullying of any form, including physical bullying, is harmful and unacceptable. It can cause physical injury and emotional distress, and it can lead to long-term negative effects on a person's mental health and well-being. If you or someone you know is being bullied, it's important to reach out for help and support from trusted adults, such as parents, teachers, or counselors.

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