Anime BoisSet Title
Enter the world of anime with Anime Bois Spin the Wheel! This exciting game lets you randomly select your favorite male anime characters. Will it be Naruto, Goku, or Luffy?
- Goku
- Vegeta
- Tanjiro
- Inosuke
- Ichigo
- Zenitsu
- Ash and Pikachu
- Zeno
- Berrus
- Champa
- Eren
- mom
- Naruto
- Saitama
Use commas when adding multiple.
- GokuDelete
- VegetaDelete
- TanjiroDelete
- InosukeDelete
- IchigoDelete
- ZenitsuDelete
- Ash and PikachuDelete
- ZenoDelete
- BerrusDelete
- ChampaDelete
- ErenDelete
- momDelete
- NarutoDelete
- SaitamaDelete
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