Apex random Legend picker Spin the wheel, In the game Apex Legends, players can select a "Legend" character to play as, each with their own unique abilities and playstyles. that you can use to pick a random item from the list: gibby, lifeline, wattson, loba, ram, fuse, ash, octane, path, horizon, rev, mad maggie, valk, caustic, crypto, seer, bang, blood, new castle.
An "Apex random Legend picker" would likely refer to a tool or program that randomly selects a Legend for a player to use in the game. This can be useful for players who are having trouble deciding which Legend to play as, or for those who want to try out different Legends without having to manually select one each time.
It's important to note that Apex Legends is a game that is constantly updated and changed, new characters, weapons, and items can be added to the game, so a random picker would have to be updated accordingly.
It is also worth mentioning that using a third-party tool or program to randomly select a Legend for you to play as is not allowed by the game's terms of service and could result in your account being banned.