Appreciation Giveaway
Set TitleAppreciation Giveaway to Spin the wheel,that you can use to pick a random item from the list
- Kathery
- Ady
- Cristina
- Tony
- Raul S
- Emperatriz
- Marlene
- Monica
- Maria
- Susannah
- Avigail
- Carina
- Hasmyn
- Sulema
- July
- Sindy
- Perla
- Cassy
- Jessica V
- Ericka
- Meri
- Vianey
Use commas when adding multiple.
- KatheryDelete
- AdyDelete
- CristinaDelete
- TonyDelete
- Raul SDelete
- EmperatrizDelete
- MarleneDelete
- MonicaDelete
- MariaDelete
- SusannahDelete
- AvigailDelete
- CarinaDelete
- HasmynDelete
- SulemaDelete
- JulyDelete
- SindyDelete
- PerlaDelete
- CassyDelete
- Jessica VDelete
- ErickaDelete
- MeriDelete
- VianeyDelete
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