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Beerlimpics Spin the wheel, "Beerlimpics" likely refers to an event or competition that combines drinking beer with athletic or physical challenges. that you can use to pick a random item from the list.

  • kori
  • chris
  • joey
  • spencer
  • andy
  • andrew
  • drew
  • nick

Use commas when adding multiple.

  1. kori
  2. chris
  3. joey
  4. spencer
  5. andy
  6. andrew
  7. drew
  8. nick
8 items

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    Beerlimpics Spin the wheel, "Beerlimpics" likely refers to an event or competition that combines drinking beer with athletic or physical challenges. that you can use to pick a random item from the list: kori, chris, joey, spencer, andy, andrew, drew, nick.

    This type of event is sometimes referred to as a "beerlympics," and is usually organized as a social gathering among friends or co-workers. The specific challenges and events in a beerlympics can vary, but often include activities such as beer pong, flip cup, and other drinking games that incorporate physical coordination and teamwork. While beerlympics can be a fun and lighthearted way to socialize and enjoy a beer, it's important to always drink responsibly and follow all local laws and regulations regarding alcohol consumption. Additionally, it is never safe to drink and drive or engage in any activities that could be harmful to oneself or others.

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