Beyblade Battles
Set TitleBeyblade Battles to Spin the wheel, that you can use to pick a random item from the list
- right artimus
- emperor furnius
- genius valtryak
- Archer Hercules
- twin phantom
- blast genius
- anubion a2
- harmony pegasus
- prime apocalypse
- gueist fafnir
- air Knight
- boom kalzar
- erase devilose
- storm spryzen
- royal genesis
- judgement dragon
- breaker excalious
- Legend spryzen
- judgment joker
- Rockavor r2
- hyper spear left Astros
- turbo spryzen
- cho z Achilles
- venom devilos
- rockavor r4
- left Astros
Use commas when adding multiple.
- right artimusDelete
- emperor furniusDelete
- genius valtryakDelete
- Archer HerculesDelete
- twin phantomDelete
- blast geniusDelete
- anubion a2Delete
- harmony pegasusDelete
- prime apocalypseDelete
- gueist fafnirDelete
- air KnightDelete
- boom kalzarDelete
- erase deviloseDelete
- storm spryzenDelete
- royal genesisDelete
- judgement dragonDelete
- breaker excaliousDelete
- Legend spryzenDelete
- judgment jokerDelete
- Rockavor r2Delete
- hyper spear left AstrosDelete
- turbo spryzenDelete
- cho z AchillesDelete
- venom devilosDelete
- rockavor r4Delete
- left AstrosDelete
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