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Set Title
  • susana
  • susana
  • silvia
  • diana
  • teresa
  • caro
  • kristi
  • Candice
  • rosa
  • betty

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        Coach raffle Spin the wheel, A "coach raffle" likely refers to a raffle or lottery where the prize is a coach, which can refer to either a luxury coach or bus, or a personal coach or mentor. that you can use to pick a random item from the list: susana, susana, silvia, diana, teresa, caro, kristi, Candice, rosa, betty.

        It is typically organized as a fundraiser or promotional event, where participants purchase tickets for a chance to win the coach or receive coaching services. The specifics of the raffle, such as the prize, the rules, and the method of purchase, would depend on the organization running the event.

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