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  • Caramel macchiato (hot)
  • white mocha
  • toasted vanilla shaken expresso
  • blonde vanilla latte
  • caramel ribbon crunch
  • caramel frappe
  • white hot chocolate
  • pink drink

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        Coffee Spin the wheel, Coffee is a popular beverage made from the roasted seeds of the Coffea plant. that you can use to pick a random item from the list: Caramel macchiato (hot), white mocha, toasted vanilla shaken expresso, blonde vanilla latte, caramel ribbon crunch, caramel frappe, white hot chocolate, pink drink.

        These seeds, commonly known as "coffee beans," are typically ground and brewed, then brewed with hot water to create a liquid coffee.

        There are many different types of coffee, such as:

        -Arabica: Known for its mild and fruity flavor and less bitter taste.

        -Robusta: Known for its strong and bitter taste.

        Coffee can be prepared in many different ways, including:

        -Drip brewing: The most common way to make coffee, where hot water is poured over ground coffee in a filter.

        -Espresso: A strong, concentrated coffee made by forcing hot water through finely ground coffee under high pressure.

        -French press: Also known as a cafetière or coffee plunger, where ground coffee is steeped in hot water and then filtered through a press.

        -Cold brew: A method of making coffee where the grounds are steeped in cold water for an extended period, producing a sweeter and less acidic brew.

        Coffee is consumed all around the world, and it's one of the most widely consumed beverages. It is known to have caffeine, which can be stimulating and improve mental alertness. However, excessive consumption of coffee may lead to negative effects such as insomnia, restlessness, and increased heart rate.

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