Set TitleDBL to Spin the wheel, that you can use to pick a random item from the list
- saiyan
- hybrid
- ssj
- ssj2
- ssj3
- ssj4
- ssg
- ssgss
- ssgr
- namek
- android
- shadow dragon
- God of destruction
- angel
- regen
- girls
- kids
- powerful opponent
- transforming warrior
- lineage of evil
- twins
- otherworld warrior
- fusion warrior
- Frieza force
- Ginyu force
- bardock squad
- GT
- Hera clan
- future
- merging
- absorption
- fusion
- potara
- Vegeta clan
- son family
Use commas when adding multiple.
- saiyanDelete
- hybridDelete
- ssjDelete
- ssj2Delete
- ssj3Delete
- ssj4Delete
- ssgDelete
- ssgssDelete
- ssgrDelete
- namekDelete
- androidDelete
- shadow dragonDelete
- God of destructionDelete
- angelDelete
- regenDelete
- girlsDelete
- kidsDelete
- powerful opponentDelete
- transforming warriorDelete
- lineage of evilDelete
- twinsDelete
- otherworld warriorDelete
- fusion warriorDelete
- Frieza forceDelete
- Ginyu forceDelete
- bardock squadDelete
- GTDelete
- Hera clanDelete
- futureDelete
- mergingDelete
- absorptionDelete
- fusionDelete
- potaraDelete
- Vegeta clanDelete
- son familyDelete
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