HomeSpin The Wheel

Set Title
  • Low on food
  • landlord raised the rent
  • car gets broken
  • work overtime
  • tree falls on home
  • storm damages home
  • injury
  • gas
  • bonus check at work
  • babysittier
  • dog is sick
  • stray cat
  • hospital
  • dentist
  • flat tire
  • landlord lowers rent
  • pay raise
  • less work hours
  • broken arm healed
  • rich family member pays you
  • get 3000$
  • new movie did good
  • stimulus check
  • car gets payed off
  • take a vacation
  • go into a coma
  • trip backwards 5 spaces
  • get a deal on a new camera

Use commas when adding multiple.

    0 items

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        Econ progect Spin the wheel, An economics project is a research or analysis project that is focused on a specific topic or issue related to economics. that you can use to pick a random item from the list: Low on food, landlord raised the rent, car gets broken, work overtime, tree falls on home, storm damages home, injury, gas, bonus check at work, babysittier, dog is sick, stray cat, hospital, dentist, flat tire, landlord lowers rent, pay raise, less work hours, broken arm healed, rich family member pays you, get 3000$, new movie did good, stimulus check, car gets payed off, take a vacation, go into a coma, trip backwards 5 spaces, get a deal on a new camera.

        An economics project is a research or analysis project that is focused on a specific topic or issue related to economics. This can include topics such as microeconomics, macroeconomics, international economics, public economics, and more. Economics projects can take a variety of forms, such as a research paper, a presentation, a case study analysis, or a policy proposal.

        Economics projects can be assigned in high school or college level classes, or as part of a research program or study. They usually require students to use economic theory, data, and research methods to analyze a specific topic or problem. The purpose of an economics project is to help students develop their analytical and critical thinking skills, as well as their ability to communicate their findings effectively.

        When working on an economics project, students should start by identifying a topic or research question that is of interest to them and relevant to the course or program. They should then conduct research and gather data to analyze the topic. They should also use economic theory and models to analyze the data and draw conclusions. Finally, they should present their findings in a clear and well-organized manner, using appropriate economic terminology and concepts.

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