Set TitleGameboy to Spin the wheel, that you can use to pick a random item from the list
- Aerostar
- Aladdin
- Alien 3
- Alien vs Predator The Last of his clan
- Altered Space A 3-D Adventure
- Amazing Spiderman
- Animaniacs
- Asteroids
- Atomic Punk
- Attack of the killer Tomatoes
- Avenging Spirit
- Bart Simpsons Escape from Camp Deadly
- Batman Return of the Joker
- Batman Forever
- Battle Arena Toshinden
- Battle Bull
- Batman The Animated Series
- Battle Unit Zeoth
- Battletoads
- Battletoads in Ragnaroks World
- Battletoads Double Dragon
- Beavis and Butt-Head
- Bionic Commando
- Blaster Master Boy
- Bomberman
- Boxxle II
- Brain Bender
- Bram Stokers Dracula
- Bubble Bobble
- Bubble Bobble Part 2
- Bubble Ghost
- Bubsy II
- Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle 2
- Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle
- Burai Fighter Deluxe
- Buster Bros
- Captain America and the Avengers
- Casper
- Castelian
- Castlevania The Adventure
- Castlevania II Belmonts Revenge
- Castlevania Legends
- Catrap
- Chuck Rock
- Contra Alien Wars
- Daffy Duck
- Darkwing Duck
- Dexterity
- Diablo
- Dick Tracy
- Donkey Kong
- Donkey Kong Land
- Donkey Kong Land 2
- Donkey Kong Land III
- Double Dragon
- Double Dragon 3 Arcade Game
- Double Dragon II
- Dragons Lair The Legend
- DragonHeart
- Ducktales
- Ducktales 2
- Earthworm Jim
- Fortified Zone
- Frogger
- Game & Watch Gallery
- Gargoyles Quest
- Gauntlet II
- George Foremans KO Boxing
- Getaway
- Ghostbusters II
- Godzilla
- Harvest Moon
- Heavyweight Championship Boxing
- Hook
- Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
- Iron Man X-O Manowar in Heavy Metal
- James Bond 007
- Jetsons Robot Panic
- Joe & Mac
- Judge Dredd
- Jungle Book
- Jurassic Park
- Jurassic Park 2 The Chaos Continues
- Kid Dracula
- Kid Icarus of Myths and Monsters
- Killer Instinct
- Kirbys Block Ball
- Kirbys Dream Land
- Kirbys Dream Land 2
- Kirbys Pinball Land
- Kirbys Star Stacker
- Krustys Fun House
- Kung-Fu Master
- Last Action Hero
- Legend of Zelda Links Awakening
- Lethal Weapon
- Lion King
- Loony Tunes
- The Lost World Jurassic Park
- Mario's Picross
- Maru's Mission
- Maui Mallard
- Mega man Dr. Wilys Revenge
- Mega man II
- Mega man III
- Mega man IV
- Mega man V
- Mercenary Force
- Metal Masters
- Metroid II Return of Samus
- Mickey Mouse Magic Wands
- Mickeys Dangerous Chase
- Mickeys Ultimate Challenge
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers The Movie
- Mortal Kombat
- Mortal Kombat II
- Mortal Kombat III
- Motocross Maniacs
- Ninja Boy
- Ninja Boy 2
- Ninja Gaiden Shadow
- Ninja Taro
- Oddworld Adventures
- Operation C
- Pac Attack
- Pac In Time
- Pacman
- Pagemaster
- Paperboy
- Paperboy 2
- Pinocchio
- Pit Fighter
- Pocahontas
- Pokémon Red Version
- Pokémon Blue Version
- Pokémon Yellow Version
- Popeye 2
- Prehistorik Man
- Primal Rage
- The Punisher
- Q-Bert for Gameboy
- R-Type
- Raging Fighter
- Rampart
- Real Ghostbusters
- Ren & Stimpy Show Space Cadet Adventures
- Ren & Stimpy Show Veediots
- Riddick Bowe Boxing
- Robin Hood Prince of Thieves
- Robocop
- Robocop 2
- Robocop vs Terminator
- Simpsons Itchy & Scratchy Miniature Golf Madness
- Simpsons Bart & the Beanstalk
- Simpsons Bart vs the Juggernauts
- Small Soldiers
- Snow Bros Jr.
- Space Invaders
- Spankys Quest
- Speedy Gonzales
- Spiderman X-Men
- Spiderman 2
- Spiderman 3 Invasion of the Spider Slayers
- Star Wars
- Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back
- Street Fighter II
- Super Hunchback
- Super Mario Land
- Super Mario Land 2 6 Golden Coins
- Super Star Wars Return of the Jedi
- Superman
- Swamp Thing
- T2 The Arcade Game
- TailSpin
- Tarzan
- Taz-Mania
- Taz-Mania 2
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Fall of the Foot Clan
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II Back in the Sewers
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III Radical Rescue
- Terminator 2 Judgement Day
- Tetris Attack
- Tiny Toon Adventures Babs Big Break
- Tom & Jerry
- Tom & Jerry Frantic Antics
- Top Gun Guts and Glory
- Toxic Crusaders
- Toy Story
- True Lies
- Turok Battle of the Bionosaurs
- Universal Soldier
- Turrican
- Wario featuring Bomberman
- Wario Land Super Mario Land 3
- Wario Land II
- Wayne's World
- WCW Main Event
- WWF King of the Ring
- WWF Raw
- WWF Superstars
- WWF Superstars 2
- WWF Warzone
- Pokémon X Version
- Yoshi
- Yoshi's Cookie
Use commas when adding multiple.
- AerostarDelete
- AladdinDelete
- Alien 3Delete
- Alien vs Predator The Last of his clanDelete
- Altered Space A 3-D AdventureDelete
- Amazing SpidermanDelete
- AnimaniacsDelete
- AsteroidsDelete
- Atomic PunkDelete
- Attack of the killer TomatoesDelete
- Avenging SpiritDelete
- Bart Simpsons Escape from Camp DeadlyDelete
- Batman Return of the JokerDelete
- Batman ForeverDelete
- Battle Arena ToshindenDelete
- Battle BullDelete
- Batman The Animated SeriesDelete
- Battle Unit ZeothDelete
- BattletoadsDelete
- Battletoads in Ragnaroks WorldDelete
- Battletoads Double DragonDelete
- Beavis and Butt-HeadDelete
- Bionic CommandoDelete
- Blaster Master BoyDelete
- BombermanDelete
- Boxxle IIDelete
- Brain BenderDelete
- Bram Stokers DraculaDelete
- Bubble BobbleDelete
- Bubble Bobble Part 2Delete
- Bubble GhostDelete
- Bubsy IIDelete
- Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle 2Delete
- Bugs Bunny Crazy CastleDelete
- Burai Fighter DeluxeDelete
- Buster BrosDelete
- Captain America and the AvengersDelete
- CasperDelete
- CastelianDelete
- Castlevania The AdventureDelete
- Castlevania II Belmonts RevengeDelete
- Castlevania LegendsDelete
- CatrapDelete
- Chuck RockDelete
- Contra Alien WarsDelete
- Daffy DuckDelete
- Darkwing DuckDelete
- DexterityDelete
- DiabloDelete
- Dick TracyDelete
- Donkey KongDelete
- Donkey Kong LandDelete
- Donkey Kong Land 2Delete
- Donkey Kong Land IIIDelete
- Double DragonDelete
- Double Dragon 3 Arcade GameDelete
- Double Dragon IIDelete
- Dragons Lair The LegendDelete
- DragonHeartDelete
- DucktalesDelete
- Ducktales 2Delete
- Earthworm JimDelete
- Fortified ZoneDelete
- FroggerDelete
- Game & Watch GalleryDelete
- Gargoyles QuestDelete
- Gauntlet IIDelete
- George Foremans KO BoxingDelete
- GetawayDelete
- Ghostbusters IIDelete
- GodzillaDelete
- Harvest MoonDelete
- Heavyweight Championship BoxingDelete
- HookDelete
- Indiana Jones and the Last CrusadeDelete
- Iron Man X-O Manowar in Heavy MetalDelete
- James Bond 007Delete
- Jetsons Robot PanicDelete
- Joe & MacDelete
- Judge DreddDelete
- Jungle BookDelete
- Jurassic ParkDelete
- Jurassic Park 2 The Chaos ContinuesDelete
- Kid DraculaDelete
- Kid Icarus of Myths and MonstersDelete
- Killer InstinctDelete
- Kirbys Block BallDelete
- Kirbys Dream LandDelete
- Kirbys Dream Land 2Delete
- Kirbys Pinball LandDelete
- Kirbys Star StackerDelete
- Krustys Fun HouseDelete
- Kung-Fu MasterDelete
- Last Action HeroDelete
- Legend of Zelda Links AwakeningDelete
- Lethal WeaponDelete
- Lion KingDelete
- Loony TunesDelete
- The Lost World Jurassic ParkDelete
- Mario's PicrossDelete
- Maru's MissionDelete
- Maui MallardDelete
- Mega man Dr. Wilys RevengeDelete
- Mega man IIDelete
- Mega man IIIDelete
- Mega man IVDelete
- Mega man VDelete
- Mercenary ForceDelete
- Metal MastersDelete
- Metroid II Return of SamusDelete
- Mickey Mouse Magic WandsDelete
- Mickeys Dangerous ChaseDelete
- Mickeys Ultimate ChallengeDelete
- Mighty Morphin Power RangersDelete
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers The MovieDelete
- Mortal KombatDelete
- Mortal Kombat IIDelete
- Mortal Kombat IIIDelete
- Motocross ManiacsDelete
- Ninja BoyDelete
- Ninja Boy 2Delete
- Ninja Gaiden ShadowDelete
- Ninja TaroDelete
- Oddworld AdventuresDelete
- Operation CDelete
- Pac AttackDelete
- Pac In TimeDelete
- PacmanDelete
- PagemasterDelete
- PaperboyDelete
- Paperboy 2Delete
- PinocchioDelete
- Pit FighterDelete
- PocahontasDelete
- Pokémon Red VersionDelete
- Pokémon Blue VersionDelete
- Pokémon Yellow VersionDelete
- Popeye 2Delete
- Prehistorik ManDelete
- Primal RageDelete
- The PunisherDelete
- Q-Bert for GameboyDelete
- R-TypeDelete
- Raging FighterDelete
- RampartDelete
- Real GhostbustersDelete
- Ren & Stimpy Show Space Cadet AdventuresDelete
- Ren & Stimpy Show VeediotsDelete
- Riddick Bowe BoxingDelete
- Robin Hood Prince of ThievesDelete
- RobocopDelete
- Robocop 2Delete
- Robocop vs TerminatorDelete
- Simpsons Itchy & Scratchy Miniature Golf MadnessDelete
- Simpsons Bart & the BeanstalkDelete
- Simpsons Bart vs the JuggernautsDelete
- Small SoldiersDelete
- Snow Bros Jr.Delete
- Space InvadersDelete
- Spankys QuestDelete
- Speedy GonzalesDelete
- Spiderman X-MenDelete
- Spiderman 2Delete
- Spiderman 3 Invasion of the Spider SlayersDelete
- Star WarsDelete
- Star Wars The Empire Strikes BackDelete
- Street Fighter IIDelete
- Super HunchbackDelete
- Super Mario LandDelete
- Super Mario Land 2 6 Golden CoinsDelete
- Super Star Wars Return of the JediDelete
- SupermanDelete
- Swamp ThingDelete
- T2 The Arcade GameDelete
- TailSpinDelete
- TarzanDelete
- Taz-ManiaDelete
- Taz-Mania 2Delete
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Fall of the Foot ClanDelete
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II Back in the SewersDelete
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III Radical RescueDelete
- Terminator 2 Judgement DayDelete
- Tetris AttackDelete
- Tiny Toon Adventures Babs Big BreakDelete
- Tom & JerryDelete
- Tom & Jerry Frantic AnticsDelete
- Top Gun Guts and GloryDelete
- Toxic CrusadersDelete
- Toy StoryDelete
- True LiesDelete
- Turok Battle of the BionosaursDelete
- Universal SoldierDelete
- TurricanDelete
- Wario featuring BombermanDelete
- Wario Land Super Mario Land 3Delete
- Wario Land IIDelete
- Wayne's WorldDelete
- WCW Main EventDelete
- WWF King of the RingDelete
- WWF RawDelete
- WWF SuperstarsDelete
- WWF Superstars 2Delete
- WWF WarzoneDelete
- Pokémon X VersionDelete
- YoshiDelete
- Yoshi's CookieDelete
Related Wheels
90's Musical Jukebox
90's Musical Jukebox Spin the wheel, A 90's musical jukebox is a device or playlist that plays music from the 1990s. that you can use to pick a random item from the list.
Christmas raffle
Christmas raffle to Spin the wheel, A Christmas raffle is a type of lottery or drawing in which participants purchase tickets for a chance to win prizes. that you can use to pick a random item from the list.
Racing wheel, Racing is a type of competition in which vehicles, such as cars, motorcycles, boats, or airplanes, are driven or ridden at high speeds over a predetermined course or distance. that you can use to pick a random item from the list.
New Wheels
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DBABYYYY JET GIVE AWAY to Spin the wheel, that you can use to pick a random item from the list
Class 1-A who will it be
Class 1-A who will it be to Spin the wheel, that you can use to pick a random item from the list
What You Are
What You Are to Spin the wheel, that you can use to pick a random item from the list