Games Outing 2
Set TitleRandom Games Outing 2 to pick - Spin the wheel to randomly choose from these options
- Selfie
- Hamster
- Mengantuk
- Terlilit hutang
- Tanda hati
- Tertawa
- Naik tangga
- Pergi ke kantor
- Menangis
- Kangguru
- Berenang
- Mandi
- Pohon kelapa
- Senam pagi
- Capek
- Tersambar petir
- Ikan
- Berjoget
- Udang
- Ulat
- Memancing
- Mendapat bonus
- Monyet
- Kungfu
- Bertemu artis kesukaan
- Buaya
- Sepakbola
- Dinosaurus
- Bunga
- Basket
Use commas when adding multiple.
- SelfieDelete
- HamsterDelete
- MengantukDelete
- Terlilit hutangDelete
- Tanda hatiDelete
- TertawaDelete
- Naik tanggaDelete
- Pergi ke kantorDelete
- MenangisDelete
- KangguruDelete
- BerenangDelete
- MandiDelete
- Pohon kelapaDelete
- Senam pagiDelete
- CapekDelete
- Tersambar petirDelete
- IkanDelete
- BerjogetDelete
- UdangDelete
- UlatDelete
- MemancingDelete
- Mendapat bonusDelete
- MonyetDelete
- KungfuDelete
- Bertemu artis kesukaanDelete
- BuayaDelete
- SepakbolaDelete
- DinosaurusDelete
- BungaDelete
- BasketDelete
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