Gender Dev
Set TitleGender Dev to Spin the wheel, that you can use to pick a random item from the list
- ella
- ellen
- emma ng
- emma c
- alex
- jay
- james
- heaji
- mason
- emma lafrenz
- jonah
- mateo
- christian
- tatiana
- susanna
- emmanuel
- na
- frida
- christian
- mandy
- erica
- xinyi
- jordanella
- zoe
- maddie
Use commas when adding multiple.
- ellaDelete
- ellenDelete
- emma ngDelete
- emma cDelete
- alexDelete
- jayDelete
- jamesDelete
- heajiDelete
- masonDelete
- emma lafrenzDelete
- jonahDelete
- mateoDelete
- christianDelete
- tatianaDelete
- susannaDelete
- emmanuelDelete
- naDelete
- fridaDelete
- christianDelete
- mandyDelete
- ericaDelete
- xinyiDelete
- jordanellaDelete
- zoeDelete
- maddieDelete
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