Generation 5
Set TitleGeneration 5 to Spin the wheel, that you can use to pick a random item from the list
- Woobat
- Hydreigon
- Roggenrola
- Ducklett
- Pansear
- Venipede
- Lilligant
- Blitzle
- Stunfisk
- Swadloon
- Pidove
- Bisharp
- Boldore
- Haxorus
- Litwick
- Unfezant
- Musharna
- Mienfoo
- Cofagrigus
- Pignite
- Archen
- Serperior
- Petilil
- Throh
- Gothitelle
- Yamask
- Krokorok
- Tympole
- Sawk
- Scolipede
- Simipour
- Cubchoo
- Joltik
- Munna
- Kyurem
- Braviary
- Archeops
- Golett
- Stoutland
- Carracosta
- Cinccino
- Zekrom
- Simisear
- Zoroark
- Servine
- Acew
- Panpour
- Lillipup
- Frillish
- Bouffalant
- Accelgor
- Eelektross
- Volcarona
- Zweilous
- Leavanny
- Vanillite
- Vanilluxe
- Keldeo
- Beartic
- Darmanitan
- Ferroseed
- Chandelure
- Lampent
- Crustle
- Whirlipede
- Galvantula
- Dewott
- Trubbish
- Alomomola
- Tepig
- Maractus
- Beheeyem
- Zorua
- Gothorita
- Reuniclus
- Scraggy
- Minccino
- Rufflet
- Durant
- Simisage
- Whimsicott
- Conkeldurr
- Klinklang
- Sandile
- Jellicent
- Cottonee
- Solosis
- Krookodile
- Vullaby
- Deino
- Cryogonal
- Ferrothorn
- Tranquill
- Gothita
- Liepard
- Dwebble
- Mandibuzz
- Cobalion
- Swoobat
- Amoonguss
- Gurdurr
- Mienshao
- Oshawott
- Duosion
- Landorus
- Scrafty
- Basculin
- Thundurus
- Palpitoad
- Snivy
- Emolga
- Meloetta
- Patrat
- Larvesta
- Seismitoad
- Excadrill
- Shelmet
- Tornadus
- Herdier
- Zebstrika
- Genesect
- Pansage
- Vanillish
- Tirtouga
- Heatmor
- Sewaddle
- Elgyem
- Darumaka
- Foongus
- Audino
- Sawsbuck
- Samurott
- Eelektrik
- Fraxure
- Swanna
- Golurk
- Virizion
- Victini
- Reshiram
- Emboar
- Watchog
- Deerling
- Garbodor
- Timburr
- Terrakion
- Pawniard
- Purrloin
- Druddigon
- Sigilyoh
Use commas when adding multiple.
- WoobatDelete
- HydreigonDelete
- RoggenrolaDelete
- DucklettDelete
- PansearDelete
- VenipedeDelete
- LilligantDelete
- BlitzleDelete
- StunfiskDelete
- SwadloonDelete
- PidoveDelete
- BisharpDelete
- BoldoreDelete
- HaxorusDelete
- LitwickDelete
- UnfezantDelete
- MusharnaDelete
- MienfooDelete
- CofagrigusDelete
- PigniteDelete
- ArchenDelete
- SerperiorDelete
- PetililDelete
- ThrohDelete
- GothitelleDelete
- YamaskDelete
- KrokorokDelete
- TympoleDelete
- SawkDelete
- ScolipedeDelete
- SimipourDelete
- CubchooDelete
- JoltikDelete
- MunnaDelete
- KyuremDelete
- BraviaryDelete
- ArcheopsDelete
- GolettDelete
- StoutlandDelete
- CarracostaDelete
- CinccinoDelete
- ZekromDelete
- SimisearDelete
- ZoroarkDelete
- ServineDelete
- AcewDelete
- PanpourDelete
- LillipupDelete
- FrillishDelete
- BouffalantDelete
- AccelgorDelete
- EelektrossDelete
- VolcaronaDelete
- ZweilousDelete
- LeavannyDelete
- VanilliteDelete
- VanilluxeDelete
- KeldeoDelete
- BearticDelete
- DarmanitanDelete
- FerroseedDelete
- ChandelureDelete
- LampentDelete
- CrustleDelete
- WhirlipedeDelete
- GalvantulaDelete
- DewottDelete
- TrubbishDelete
- AlomomolaDelete
- TepigDelete
- MaractusDelete
- BeheeyemDelete
- ZoruaDelete
- GothoritaDelete
- ReuniclusDelete
- ScraggyDelete
- MinccinoDelete
- RuffletDelete
- DurantDelete
- SimisageDelete
- WhimsicottDelete
- ConkeldurrDelete
- KlinklangDelete
- SandileDelete
- JellicentDelete
- CottoneeDelete
- SolosisDelete
- KrookodileDelete
- VullabyDelete
- DeinoDelete
- CryogonalDelete
- FerrothornDelete
- TranquillDelete
- GothitaDelete
- LiepardDelete
- DwebbleDelete
- MandibuzzDelete
- CobalionDelete
- SwoobatDelete
- AmoongussDelete
- GurdurrDelete
- MienshaoDelete
- OshawottDelete
- DuosionDelete
- LandorusDelete
- ScraftyDelete
- BasculinDelete
- ThundurusDelete
- PalpitoadDelete
- SnivyDelete
- EmolgaDelete
- MeloettaDelete
- PatratDelete
- LarvestaDelete
- SeismitoadDelete
- ExcadrillDelete
- ShelmetDelete
- TornadusDelete
- HerdierDelete
- ZebstrikaDelete
- GenesectDelete
- PansageDelete
- VanillishDelete
- TirtougaDelete
- HeatmorDelete
- SewaddleDelete
- ElgyemDelete
- DarumakaDelete
- FoongusDelete
- AudinoDelete
- SawsbuckDelete
- SamurottDelete
- EelektrikDelete
- FraxureDelete
- SwannaDelete
- GolurkDelete
- VirizionDelete
- VictiniDelete
- ReshiramDelete
- EmboarDelete
- WatchogDelete
- DeerlingDelete
- GarbodorDelete
- TimburrDelete
- TerrakionDelete
- PawniardDelete
- PurrloinDelete
- DruddigonDelete
- SigilyohDelete
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