Set TitleGenshin to Spin the wheel, that you can use to pick a random item from the list
- Eula
- Fischl
- Zhongli
- Tartaglia
- Beidou
- Hu Tao
- Kujou Sara
- Xiao
- Yanfei
- Diona
- Rosaria
- Yoimiya
- Raiden Shogun
- Amber
- Xingqiu
- Xinyan
- Ningguang
- Barbara
- Diluc
- Ganyu
- Kat
- Jean
- Arataki Itto
- Yae Miko
- Thoma
- Sayu
- Gorou
- Noelle
- Lisa
- Sangonomiya Kokomi
- Razor
- Bennett
- Sucrose
Use commas when adding multiple.
- EulaDelete
- FischlDelete
- ZhongliDelete
- TartagliaDelete
- BeidouDelete
- Hu TaoDelete
- Kujou SaraDelete
- XiaoDelete
- YanfeiDelete
- DionaDelete
- RosariaDelete
- YoimiyaDelete
- Raiden ShogunDelete
- AmberDelete
- XingqiuDelete
- XinyanDelete
- NingguangDelete
- BarbaraDelete
- DilucDelete
- GanyuDelete
- KatDelete
- JeanDelete
- Arataki IttoDelete
- Yae MikoDelete
- ThomaDelete
- SayuDelete
- GorouDelete
- NoelleDelete
- LisaDelete
- Sangonomiya KokomiDelete
- RazorDelete
- BennettDelete
- SucroseDelete
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