Golden Egg Hunt: Grand prize Spin the wheel, A Golden Egg Hunt is a type of event or promotion in which participants search for a "golden egg" or a limited number of eggs that have been hidden in a specific location or locations. that you can use to pick a random item from the list: BOUNCIN' BELMONT BUNNIES, POKEPO, EGG-SPLORERS, SWEETIE STAR, MOMMY & ME, THE ADVENTURE BUNNIES, PEEPS BROTHERS, THE BABIN BUNNIES, TEAM ALAS, CHERRY BLOSSOMS, TEAM NOLA, POWERPUFF GIRLS, STROMBUNNIES, WOOSTER BUNNIES.
A Golden Egg Hunt is a type of event or promotion in which participants search for a "golden egg" or a limited number of eggs that have been hidden in a specific location or locations. The "golden egg" typically serves as the grand prize for the event, and the person who finds it is usually awarded a significant prize or reward.
The grand prize in a Golden Egg Hunt can vary depending on the event or promotion, but it can be anything from cash, gift cards, trips, gadgets, merchandise, etc. It can also depend on the event organizer, the event's budget and the target audience.
It's important to note that Golden Egg Hunt events are not only limited to Easter, but also it could be used in other events, such as promotions for a new product launch, a charity event, a scavenger hunt, etc.