Guild Of The Day
Set TitleGuild Of The Day to Spin the wheel, that you can use to pick a random item from the list
- Sushi Squad
- Portal Mages
- Gotchi Farmy
- Gotchi Mafia
- MetaGuild
- Black Pool
- Los Mustachos
- Fren Zone
- Gotchi Riders
- Ghost Squad Miners
- 8 Bit Guild Games
- Gotchi Vault
Use commas when adding multiple.
- Sushi SquadDelete
- Portal MagesDelete
- Gotchi FarmyDelete
- Gotchi MafiaDelete
- MetaGuildDelete
- GM DAODelete
- Black PoolDelete
- Los MustachosDelete
- Fren ZoneDelete
- Gotchi RidersDelete
- Ghost Squad MinersDelete
- 8 Bit Guild GamesDelete
- Gotchi VaultDelete
- YGGDelete
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