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Set Title
  • Amara
  • Dante
  • Santino
  • Amorosi
  • Amintore
  • Anselmo
  • Emilio
  • Matteo
  • Romeo
  • Sienna
  • Bruno
  • Caelian
  • Gerome

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        Italian Names Spin the wheel, Italian names are the names used by people of Italian descent, or by those living in Italy. Italian names typically consist of a given name (nome) and a surname (cognome), and can have a religious or cultural significance. that you can use to pick a random item from the list: Amara, Dante, Santino, Amorosi, Amintore, Anselmo, Emilio, Matteo, Romeo, Sienna, Bruno, Caelian, Gerome.

        In Italy, it is traditional for the child to be given two names, a first name and a saint's name which is used on religious occasions and in formal documents, like official documents and religious sacraments.

        Italian names have a rich history and many have Latin or Greek origins. Some popular Italian given names for males include Angelo, Giovanni, Matteo, Marco, and Antonio. Some popular Italian given names for females include Isabella, Sofia, Giuseppa, and Rosa.

        Italian surnames are also quite distinct and unique, for example: Rossi, Ferrari, Lombardi, Lombardo, Marino, Ferrari, Esposito, Giordano, Rizzo, and Lombardi. Many Italian surnames are based on the father's first name, such as Rossi (son of Rosso), Giordano (son of Giorgio), and Lombardi (from Lombardia, a region in Italy).

        It is also worth noting that Italian names have a specific structure, usually the surname come first and the first name after. As an example, in Italy, "Leonardo Da Vinci" is written as "Da Vinci Leonardo"