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  • mace windu
  • ahsoka
  • cal

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        Jedi enemie Spin the wheel, In the Star Wars franchise, Jedi are the main protagonists and often face various enemies. that you can use to pick a random item from the list: obiwan, kannan, ezra, yoda, yaddle, anikan, quigon, mace windu, ahsoka, cal.

        Some of the most notable Jedi enemies include:

        The Sith - The primary antagonists of the Star Wars franchise, the Sith are a force-sensitive organization that seeks to rule the galaxy through power and fear.

        Darth Vader (Anakin Skywalker) - A former Jedi Knight who turned to the dark side and became one of the most powerful Sith Lords.

        The Galactic Empire - A powerful, authoritarian regime that seeks to conquer and control the galaxy, often opposing the Jedi and the Rebel Alliance.

        The First Order - A militaristic organization that rises from the ashes of the Galactic Empire, seeking to restore its power and rule the galaxy.

        The Nightsisters - A coven of dark side witches who reside on the planet Dathomir and use their powers to manipulate and control others.

        The Separatists - A coalition of systems and species that secede from the Galactic Republic and seek to form their own independent government.

        The Bounty Hunters - Mercenaries and assassins who are hired by various organizations to capture or eliminate their targets, often opposing the Jedi.

        These are just a few examples of the many enemies that the Jedi face in the Star Wars franchise.

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