Set Title
- Mauren Aqila Zahra
- Laili Yuni Khusniati
- Maylawati Arum Puspita
- Eli Fitriani Khasanah
- Umi Nur Wahidah
- Mella Devina Sari
- Rafika
- Saifatul Khoiriyah
- Rina Fitri Achyani
- Sukma Ayu Kholiyah
- Hasya Nafis Syafiqoh
- Rahayu
- Melia Putri Hapsari
- Nala Rahma Pratiwi
- Amanda Windy Nevita Putri Rahmadhani
- Sri Mulyani
- Sufa'ah Hurumun Niam
- Adzra Raihanah Zahra
- Kibriya Zia'ulhaq
- Sadina Virna Maula
- Rahma Afiyatul Latifah
- Dila Dwi Hastuti
- Siochi Hesti Dizayn
- Ditya Ayu Nabila
Use commas when adding multiple.
New Wheels
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4th gen Boy groups
4th gen Boy groups to Spin the wheel, The term "4th gen boy groups" likely refers to male K-pop groups that debuted in the fourth generation of K-pop, which is generally considered to have started in the mid to late 2010s. that you can use to pick a random item from the list.
Family friends
Family friends to Spin the wheel, that you can use to pick a random item from the list
XBOX Games
XBOX Games to Spin the wheel, that you can use to pick a random item from the list
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What movie do I watch tonight
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