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Killer Whales

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Killer Whales Spin the wheel, Killer whales, also known as orcas, are a type of large marine mammal that are found in all oceans around the world. that you can use to pick a random item from the list.

  • 100 Choice Kick
  • 100 Fly Swim
  • 100 Breaststroke Swim
  • 2 min rest
  • 8x25 Sprint 1:00 IM Order
  • 100 Freestyle Pull
  • 4x50 Swim IM order

Use commas when adding multiple.

  1. 100 Choice Kick
  2. 100 Fly Swim
  3. 100 Breaststroke Swim
  4. 2 min rest
  5. 8x25 Sprint 1:00 IM Order
  6. 100 Freestyle Pull
  7. 4x50 Swim IM order
7 items

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    Killer Whales Spin the wheel, Killer whales, also known as orcas, are a type of large marine mammal that are found in all oceans around the world. that you can use to pick a random item from the list: 100 Choice Kick, 100 Fly Swim, 100 Breaststroke Swim, 2 min rest, 8x25 Sprint 1:00 IM Order, 100 Freestyle Pull, 4x50 Swim IM order.

    They are known for their distinctive black and white coloring, and are easily recognizable by their tall, triangular dorsal fin. Orcas are highly intelligent and social animals, and are known for their complex vocalizations and hunting behaviors.

    Orcas are apex predators, which means that they sit at the top of the food chain and have no natural predators of their own. They are known to prey on a wide variety of marine animals, including fish, seals, sea lions, and even larger whales. Orcas are also highly adaptable, and can be found in a wide range of marine environments, including polar, temperate, and tropical waters.

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