New Movies
Set TitleNew Movies to Spin the wheel, that you can use to pick a random item from the list
- From Dusk Til Dawn
- The Hangover Trilogy
- The Patriot
- The Hangover Trilogy
- Always Be My Maybe
- Troy
- Gravity
- Crazy Rich Asians
- Inception
- Army of the Dead
- The Old Guard
- Lord of the Rings Trilogy
- V For Vendetta
- Bird Box
- Casino Royale
- 300
- Lord of the Rings Trilogy
- Bandersnatch
- Let it Snow
- Tick, Tick... Boom
- Wine Country
- Yes Man
- Lord of the Rings Trilogy
- Osmosis Jones
- Lady Bird
- Don't Look Up
- The Hangover Trilogy
- Bombshell
- Parasite
- Seven
- Croods 2
- Pan
Use commas when adding multiple.
- From Dusk Til DawnDelete
- The Hangover TrilogyDelete
- The PatriotDelete
- The Hangover TrilogyDelete
- Always Be My MaybeDelete
- TroyDelete
- GravityDelete
- Crazy Rich AsiansDelete
- InceptionDelete
- Army of the DeadDelete
- The Old GuardDelete
- Lord of the Rings TrilogyDelete
- V For VendettaDelete
- Bird BoxDelete
- Casino RoyaleDelete
- 300Delete
- Lord of the Rings TrilogyDelete
- BandersnatchDelete
- Let it SnowDelete
- Tick, Tick... BoomDelete
- Wine CountryDelete
- Yes ManDelete
- Lord of the Rings TrilogyDelete
- Osmosis JonesDelete
- Lady BirdDelete
- Don't Look UpDelete
- The Hangover TrilogyDelete
- BombshellDelete
- ParasiteDelete
- SevenDelete
- Croods 2Delete
- PanDelete
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