Overwatch mainSet Title
Overwatch main to Spin the wheel, In the context of the video game Overwatch, a "main" is a character that a player specializes in and typically plays the most. that you can use to pick a random item from the list.
- ana
- ashe
- baptiste
- bastion
- brigitte
- mcree
- d.va
- doomfist
- echo
- genji
- hanzo
- junkrat
- lucio
- mei
- mercy
- moria
- orisa
- pharah
- reaper
- Reinhardt
- roadhog
- sigma
- soldier: 76
- sombra
- symmetra
- torbjorn
- tracer
- widowmaker
- Winston
- wrecking ball
- zarya
- zenyatta
Use commas when adding multiple.
- anaDelete
- asheDelete
- baptisteDelete
- bastionDelete
- brigitteDelete
- mcreeDelete
- d.vaDelete
- doomfistDelete
- echoDelete
- genjiDelete
- hanzoDelete
- junkratDelete
- lucioDelete
- meiDelete
- mercyDelete
- moriaDelete
- orisaDelete
- pharahDelete
- reaperDelete
- ReinhardtDelete
- roadhogDelete
- sigmaDelete
- soldier: 76Delete
- sombraDelete
- symmetraDelete
- torbjornDelete
- tracerDelete
- widowmakerDelete
- WinstonDelete
- wrecking ballDelete
- zaryaDelete
- zenyattaDelete
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