Random Sloppy Supreme to Spin the wheel, that you can use to pick a random item from the list: tacocat, alternative tacocat, ultra alternative tacocat, order up, dual blade alternative tacocat, mello, mello swordsman, taco of luck, tacostand, super alternative psychic tacocat, hexy the hexnut, hexy the hexnut remastered, sponge soldier, sponge dragon, tacocat generations, hex tag, roller reptile, sponge multiply, taco forsight, taco stand setter, shifty station, tail whap, stuffed sus, sloppy gloppy, flippy slippy, combo taco croissant, pen of wonders, jax floof warrior, kiki fearless samurai, floppy sloppy, metallic combination, hexy the ultra hexnut, sloppy mill, sloppy dragon, sloppy dragon supreme phoenix of sloppyland, sloppy joe.