HomeSpin The Wheel

Set Title
  • Kit
  • Cave-guard To-be
  • Prey-hunter To-be
  • Healer To-be
  • Prey-hunter
  • Cave-guard
  • Healer (name: Stoneteller)
  • Kit-mother
  • Elder

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        "Tribe Roles Spin the wheel" suggests a game or activity where participants spin a wheel to determine their role within a tribe. that you can use to pick a random item from the list: Kit, Cave-guard To-be, Prey-hunter To-be, Healer To-be, Prey-hunter, Cave-guard, Healer (name: Stoneteller), Kit-mother, Elder.

        This could be used in team-building exercises, outdoor adventures, or classroom activities where groups are formed and participants are given specific roles to fulfill. The wheel may include roles such as leader, communicator, problem solver, mediator, or other roles that would be relevant to the activity or scenario. The game could encourage teamwork, communication, and problem-solving skills, as each member would need to work together and fulfill their designated role to achieve the group's goals.

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