Set TitleUltimate to Spin the wheel from these options
- D.va Bomb
- Meteor Strike
- Rampage (Junker Queen)
- B.O.B
- Rocket Strike (Bastion)
- High Noon
- Duplicate
- Dragon Blade
- Nano
- Window
- Rally
- Terra Surge (Orisa)
- Shatter
- Whole Hog
- Dragons
- Tire
- Blizzard
- Rocket Barrage
- Die Die Die
- Fox Spirit
- Drop the Beat
- Valkyrie
- Melody
- Primal
- Minefield
- Overclock (Sojourn)
- Aimbot (Soldier)
- Sym Wall
- Cuum
- Kamehameha
- Tranquility
- Grav
- Pulse Bomb
- Infra-Sight
Use commas when adding multiple.
- D.va BombDelete
- Meteor StrikeDelete
- Rampage (Junker Queen)Delete
- B.O.BDelete
- Rocket Strike (Bastion)Delete
- High NoonDelete
- DuplicateDelete
- Dragon BladeDelete
- NanoDelete
- WindowDelete
- RallyDelete
- Terra Surge (Orisa)Delete
- ShatterDelete
- Whole HogDelete
- DragonsDelete
- TireDelete
- BlizzardDelete
- Rocket BarrageDelete
- Die Die DieDelete
- Fox SpiritDelete
- Drop the BeatDelete
- ValkyrieDelete
- MelodyDelete
- PrimalDelete
- MinefieldDelete
- Overclock (Sojourn)Delete
- Aimbot (Soldier)Delete
- EMPDelete
- Sym WallDelete
- CuumDelete
- KamehamehaDelete
- TranquilityDelete
- GravDelete
- Pulse BombDelete
- Infra-SightDelete
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Things to Know
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