What football player are you?
Set TitleWhat football player are you spin the wheel,Here are ten outstanding soccer players who have made a significant impact on the sport.
- Depay
- Kroos
- Sane
- Ronaldo R9
- Pickford
- De ligt
- Mane
- Kane
- Mane
- Sarurez
- Ronaldinho
- Ronaldo cr7
- Salah
- Hazard
- Insane
- De jong
- Messi
- Naymar
- De Bruyne
- Kante
- Pele
Use commas when adding multiple.
- DepayDelete
- KroosDelete
- SaneDelete
- Ronaldo R9Delete
- PickfordDelete
- De ligtDelete
- ManeDelete
- KaneDelete
- ManeDelete
- SarurezDelete
- RonaldinhoDelete
- Ronaldo cr7Delete
- SalahDelete
- HazardDelete
- InsaneDelete
- De jongDelete
- MessiDelete
- NaymarDelete
- De BruyneDelete
- KanteDelete
- PeleDelete
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