What to do in state of decay 2
Set TitleWhat to do in state of decay 2 to Spin the wheel, that you can use to pick a random item from the list
- Kill a plauge heart
- Kill a bloater
- Kill a screamer
- kill jugernaugt
- Kill a feral
- Kill one of you're survivors
- Throw away half of all you're supplies
- Drop the weapon or gun on you
- Loot 3 houses
- Change any allied team or under to foe
- Kill a hostile team if you have any
- Travel to the farthest part of the map
- Get rid of all you're fuel
- Get rid of you're car
- Tear down one of you're structures
- Trade a weapon
- Move to another place
- Repeat the last one that you did again
Use commas when adding multiple.
- Kill a plauge heartDelete
- Kill a bloaterDelete
- Kill a screamerDelete
- kill jugernaugtDelete
- Kill a feralDelete
- Kill one of you're survivorsDelete
- Throw away half of all you're suppliesDelete
- Drop the weapon or gun on youDelete
- Loot 3 housesDelete
- Change any allied team or under to foeDelete
- Kill a hostile team if you have anyDelete
- Travel to the farthest part of the mapDelete
- Get rid of all you're fuelDelete
- Get rid of you're carDelete
- Tear down one of you're structuresDelete
- Trade a weaponDelete
- Move to another placeDelete
- Repeat the last one that you did againDelete
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