Where to eat attica/willard/sandusky
Set TitleWhere to eat attica/willard/sandusky to Spin the wheel, that you can use to pick a random item from the list
- arbys
- five guys
- taco bell
- raising canes
- wendys
- Mexican restaurant
- East chicago
- smittys
- fat heads
- smokies
- subway
- thirsty pony
- quaker
- Texas or longhorn steakhouse
- applebees
- Cleats
- kfc
Use commas when adding multiple.
- arbysDelete
- five guysDelete
- taco bellDelete
- raising canesDelete
- wendysDelete
- Mexican restaurantDelete
- East chicagoDelete
- smittysDelete
- fat headsDelete
- smokiesDelete
- subwayDelete
- thirsty ponyDelete
- quakerDelete
- Texas or longhorn steakhouseDelete
- applebeesDelete
- CleatsDelete
- kfcDelete
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