Who Do You Encounter
Set TitleWho Do You Encounter to Spin the wheel, that you can use to pick a random item from the list
- luffy
- zoro
- sanji
- ussop
- akoiji
- akainu
- doffy
- buggy
- crocodile
- ivankov
- boa
- blackbeard
- shanks
- wandering swordsman
- hero of Mary geoise
- whitebeard
- arlong
- pirate king wussop
- ywsal
Use commas when adding multiple.
- luffyDelete
- zoroDelete
- sanjiDelete
- ussopDelete
- akoijiDelete
- akainuDelete
- doffyDelete
- buggyDelete
- crocodileDelete
- ivankovDelete
- boaDelete
- blackbeardDelete
- shanksDelete
- wandering swordsmanDelete
- hero of Mary geoiseDelete
- whitebeardDelete
- arlongDelete
- pirate king wussopDelete
- ywsalDelete
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