Who's the best student
Set TitleRandom Who's the best student to pick - Spin the wheel to randomly choose from these options
- Louie
- amazion
- nobody
- Lindsey
- Ava
- mia
- Ismael
- mason
- nobody
- madi
- tyler
- tucker
- 🤑
- Maggie
- anice
- senit
- Aviel
- nobody
- Jude
Use commas when adding multiple.
- LouieDelete
- amazionDelete
- nobodyDelete
- LindseyDelete
- AvaDelete
- miaDelete
- IsmaelDelete
- masonDelete
- nobodyDelete
- madiDelete
- tylerDelete
- tuckerDelete
- 🤑Delete
- MaggieDelete
- aniceDelete
- senitDelete
- AvielDelete
- nobodyDelete
- JudeDelete
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