Zombie Challenges
Set TitleZombie Challenges to Spin the wheel, that you can use to pick a random item from the list
- Crouching only
- One spin
- No perks
- No perk
- Random perk
- Starting room
- Starting Pistol only
- No pack a punch
- No drops
- Knife only
- Box roulette
- No jugg
- One hand challenge
- Headshot only
- Starting weapons only
- No bus
- Witch perk
- Highest sensitivity and look inversion
- Button layout: lefty
- No box
- Starting round 25
- Bus Dependant
- Fridge only
- Minute per round
- Buildables only
- Jetgun challenge
- Bodyguard
- No Leroy
- Explosives only
- Olympia
- SMR only
- M14
- Players choice
Use commas when adding multiple.
- Crouching onlyDelete
- One spinDelete
- No perksDelete
- No perkDelete
- Random perkDelete
- Starting roomDelete
- Starting Pistol onlyDelete
- No pack a punchDelete
- No dropsDelete
- Knife onlyDelete
- Box rouletteDelete
- No juggDelete
- One hand challengeDelete
- Headshot onlyDelete
- Starting weapons onlyDelete
- No busDelete
- Witch perkDelete
- Highest sensitivity and look inversionDelete
- Button layout: leftyDelete
- No boxDelete
- Starting round 25Delete
- Bus DependantDelete
- Fridge onlyDelete
- Minute per roundDelete
- Buildables onlyDelete
- Jetgun challengeDelete
- BodyguardDelete
- No LeroyDelete
- Explosives onlyDelete
- OlympiaDelete
- SMR onlyDelete
- M14Delete
- Players choiceDelete
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