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  • Connor kenway
  • Ezio
  • Altair
  • Edward
  • Arno
  • Desmond
  • Shay
  • Aveline
  • Haytham
  • Evie
  • jacob
  • Shao
  • nikolai
  • Arbaaz

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        Assassin's creed ancestry Spin the wheel, Assassin's Creed Ancestry is not a specific term or concept within the Assassin's Creed franchise. that you can use to pick a random item from the list: Connor kenway, Ezio, Altair, Edward, Arno, Desmond, Shay, Aveline, Haytham, Evie, jacob, Shao, nikolai, Arbaaz.

        However, the concept of ancestry is an important theme within the games, as the series explores the history of various secret societies and their impact on the world over several centuries.

        In the games, players take on the role of an assassin, a member of a secret order that has existed throughout history to fight against powerful forces seeking to control the world. The assassins use a variety of weapons and techniques to achieve their goals, and their actions often have far-reaching consequences on the course of history.

        The Assassin's Creed franchise also features a modern-day framing device in which players take on the role of a character who is connected to the assassins through their DNA. By reliving the memories of their ancestors through a device called the Animus, players are able to explore the history of the assassins and uncover hidden secrets and conspiracies.

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