HomeSpin The Wheel

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  • Erica
  • Emily
  • Scott
  • Robin
  • Jamie
  • Tameko
  • Colton
  • MacKenzi
  • Jaxon
  • Shana
  • Hayden
  • Terza
  • Rebecca
  • Vanessa
  • Tara
  • Gabby
  • Zac
  • Allie
  • Carma
  • Tahnee
  • Penny

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        Autism Awareness Month Spin the wheel, April is recognized as Autism Awareness Month in many countries, including the United States. that you can use to pick a random item from the list: Erica, Emily, Scott, Robin, Jamie, Tameko, Colton, MacKenzi, Jaxon, Shana, Hayden, Terza, Rebecca, Vanessa, Tara, Gabby, Zac, Allie, Carma, Tahnee, Penny.

        It is a time to raise awareness and promote understanding of autism spectrum disorders (ASD), which are neurodevelopmental conditions that affect social communication, behavior, and sensory processing.

        During Autism Awareness Month, many organizations and communities hold events and activities to raise awareness, provide information and support for people with ASD and their families, and promote acceptance and inclusion of individuals with autism.

        Some common activities during Autism Awareness Month include fundraisers, walks or runs, educational seminars, art shows, and community events. The goal is to promote understanding and support for individuals with ASD and to help create a more inclusive and accepting society for people with autism.

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