HomeSpin The Wheel

Set Title
  • master bath
  • Girls bathroom
  • half bath
  • vacuum down
  • vacuum up
  • after dinner dishes
  • after dinner cleanup
  • empty & fill dishwasher
  • fucket bucket
  • little trash
  • big trash
  • feed dogs

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        Chore lottery Spin the wheel, "Chore lottery" is a system used to randomly assign household chores to members of a household. that you can use to pick a random item from the list: master bath, Girls bathroom, half bath, vacuum down, vacuum up, after dinner dishes, after dinner cleanup, empty & fill dishwasher, fucket bucket, little trash, big trash, feed dogs.

        This can be done to distribute household responsibilities fairly and avoid conflicts or arguments over who should do which chore. In a chore lottery system, each household member's name is assigned a number or placed in a hat or other container. Then, a designated person draws names at random to assign chores for a set period of time, such as a week or a month. The chores can be assigned based on individual preferences or skill levels, or they can be assigned completely at random. The chore lottery can also be used as a fun way to involve everyone in household chores and make the task of cleaning more enjoyable. The chore lottery is a simple but effective way to divide household tasks fairly and ensure that everyone contributes to maintaining a clean and tidy living space.

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