Ganadora Spin the wheel, "Ganadora" is Spanish for "winner." It is used to refer to a person or entity that has come out on top in a competition, contest, or other type of event where there is a prize or recognition given to the victor. In English, the term for "winner" can also be used in a similar way.that you can use to pick a random item from the list: mona, merry, lola, dolores, martha, lupe, mayra, kymberly, denise, miriam, concha, chabela, flor, lupita, angelina, dulce.
Set TitleGanadora Spin the wheel, "Ganadora" is Spanish for "winner." It is used to refer to a person or entity that has come out on top in a competition, contest, or other type of event where there is a prize or recognition given to the victor.
- mona
- merry
- lola
- dolores
- martha
- lupe
- mayra
- kymberly
- denise
- miriam
- concha
- chabela
- flor
- lupita
- angelina
- dulce
Use commas when adding multiple.
- monaDelete
- merryDelete
- lolaDelete
- doloresDelete
- marthaDelete
- lupeDelete
- mayraDelete
- kymberlyDelete
- deniseDelete
- miriamDelete
- conchaDelete
- chabelaDelete
- florDelete
- lupitaDelete
- angelinaDelete
- dulceDelete
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