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Set Title
  • Make cookies
  • photot shoot
  • build a fort
  • sing
  • make handshake
  • dance
  • Smoothie challenge
  • stars
  • face mask
  • prank calls
  • 3 truth 1 lie
  • truth or dare
  • would you rather
  • tiktok
  • Chubby bunny
  • laugh challenge
  • d.i.y
  • smash or pass
  • hide and seek
  • m.a.s.h

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        Bucket list Spin the wheel, A bucket list is a list of things that a person wants to do or achieve before they "kick the bucket" (die). that you can use to pick a random item from the list: Make cookies, photot shoot, build a fort, sing, make handshake, dance, Smoothie challenge, stars, face mask, prank calls, 3 truth 1 lie, truth or dare, would you rather, tiktok, Chubby bunny, laugh challenge, d.i.y, smash or pass, hide and seek, m.a.s.h.

        Bucket lists can be broad or specific, and they can include anything from big life goals to small, everyday experiences. Some people choose to make their bucket lists public, while others keep them private.

        Examples of items that might be on a bucket list include:

        -Traveling to a specific destination or visiting a certain number of countries

        -Learning a new skill or hobby

        -Participating in an extreme sport or adventure

        -Meeting a famous person or attending a special event

        -Volunteering or making a difference in the community

        -Buying a dream home or car

        -Having a child

        -Starting your own business

        Bucket lists are personal and unique to each individual, and they can change over time as people's interests, values, and priorities change. The idea is to have a list of things that you want to do before you die, so you can make the most of your life.

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