Monopoly Wheel Spin the wheel, The Monopoly Wheel is a spinning wheel used in certain versions of the popular board game Monopoly. that you can use to pick a random item from the list: Wheel Of Fortune, Commit Crime, move 10 spaces back, move 10 spaces front, nothing!, uno reverse card, free parking, go any place, get community card, get chance card, game end, Rob someone, Tax Evasion, GET TAXED, Immunity.
The wheel is used to determine the number of spaces that a player will move on the game board.
In these versions of the game, players take turns spinning the Monopoly Wheel, and the number that it lands on determines how many spaces they will move. The wheel can also include special spaces that trigger certain events, such as collecting rent, drawing cards, or landing on a chance or community chest space.
The Monopoly Wheel adds an element of luck and chance to the game, and can often result in unexpected twists and turns that keep players engaged and entertained. Whether you're a fan of traditional board games or just looking for a fun and fast-paced game to play with friends and family, the Monopoly Wheel is a great addition to any game night.