Set TitlePaladins to Spin the wheel, that you can use to pick a random item from the list
- Grohk
- Skye
- Cassie
- Pip
- Fernando
- Barik
- Buck
- Ruckus
- Evie
- Grover
- Kinessa
- Androxus
- Ying
- Drogoz
- Bomb King
- Viktor
- Makoa
- Mal'Damba
- Sha Lin
- Tyra
- Torvald
- Maeve
- Inara
- Lex
- Seris
- Willo
- Ash
- Zhin
- Lian
- Jenos
- Strix
- Talus
- Terminus
- Vivian
- Moji
- Khan
- Furia
- Koga
- Dredge
- Imani
- Atlas
- Io
- Raum
- Tiberius
- Corvus
- Vora
- Yagorath
- Octavia
- Vatu
- Rei
- Saati
- Azzan
Use commas when adding multiple.
- GrohkDelete
- SkyeDelete
- CassieDelete
- PipDelete
- FernandoDelete
- BarikDelete
- BuckDelete
- RuckusDelete
- EvieDelete
- GroverDelete
- KinessaDelete
- AndroxusDelete
- YingDelete
- DrogozDelete
- Bomb KingDelete
- ViktorDelete
- MakoaDelete
- Mal'DambaDelete
- Sha LinDelete
- TyraDelete
- TorvaldDelete
- MaeveDelete
- InaraDelete
- LexDelete
- SerisDelete
- WilloDelete
- AshDelete
- ZhinDelete
- LianDelete
- JenosDelete
- StrixDelete
- TalusDelete
- TerminusDelete
- VivianDelete
- MojiDelete
- KhanDelete
- FuriaDelete
- KogaDelete
- DredgeDelete
- ImaniDelete
- AtlasDelete
- IoDelete
- RaumDelete
- TiberiusDelete
- CorvusDelete
- VoraDelete
- YagorathDelete
- OctaviaDelete
- VatuDelete
- ReiDelete
- SaatiDelete
- AzzanDelete
- VIIDelete
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