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Pokémon fossil mode

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Pokémon fossil mode Spin the wheel, In the Pokémon video games, the Fossil mode feature allows players to revive ancient Pokémon fossils that have been found in certain locations in the game. that you can use to pick a random item from the list.

  • lileep
  • tyrunt
  • tortuga
  • amura
  • aerodactyl

Use commas when adding multiple.

  1. lileep
  2. tyrunt
  3. tortuga
  4. amura
  5. aerodactyl
5 items

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    Pokémon fossil mode Spin the wheel, In the Pokémon video games, the Fossil mode feature allows players to revive ancient Pokémon fossils that have been found in certain locations in the game. that you can use to pick a random item from the list: lileep, tyrunt, tortuga, amura, aerodactyl.

    These fossils can be taken to special laboratories, where they can be resurrected into fully-fledged Pokémon that can be added to the player's team.

    There are different types of fossils in the game such as:

    -Helix Fossil: Revives Omanyte

    -Dome Fossil: Revives Kabuto

    -Old Amber: Revives Aerodactyl

    -Claw Fossil: Revives Anorith

    -Root Fossil: Revives Lileep

    -Armor Fossil: Revives Shieldon

    -Plume Fossil: Revives Archen

    -Jaw Fossil: Revives Tyrunt

    -Sail Fossil: Revives Amaura

    -Skull Fossil: Revives Cranidos

    This feature is usually found in the game's main story mode and can vary depending on the specific game's version. It's a way for players to complete their Pokédex and discover new Pokémon.

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