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  • Gina Newlun
  • Regina DuRocher Keefe
  • Melissa Ridenour-Hemme
  • Nicole Colwell
  • Vicky Hoffman
  • Amanda Currier
  • Kelly Meinhart Fandel
  • Karyn Dean
  • Amanda Rexroad
  • Cherie Bushong Starcevich
  • Dave Jones
  • Cynthia Yocum
  • Mara Romeo
  • Gina Anderson
  • Andi Phillips
  • Ashley DuBois
  • Edward Reese
  • Billie Johnston
  • Peggy Neri
  • George Yocum
  • Sandy Snyder

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        Saturday Morning Pour Drawing Spin the wheel, This technique is also known as fluid art or acrylic pouring. that you can use to pick a random item from the list: Gina Newlun, Regina DuRocher Keefe, Melissa Ridenour-Hemme, Nicole Colwell, Vicky Hoffman, Amanda Currier, Kelly Meinhart Fandel, Karyn Dean, Amanda Rexroad, Cherie Bushong Starcevich, Dave Jones, Cynthia Yocum, Mara Romeo, Gina Anderson, Andi Phillips, Ashley DuBois, Edward Reese, Billie Johnston, Peggy Neri, George Yocum, Sandy Snyder.

        The Saturday Morning Pour Drawing is a fun and creative way to express yourself through art. It can be a relaxing and meditative activity, and it's easy to get started with just a few basic supplies. Whether you're a seasoned artist or just starting out, the fluid art technique can produce stunning and unique results.

        Gather your supplies: This might include acrylic paints, a canvas or other surface, pouring medium, cups, and stir sticks.

        Choose your colors: Pick a color scheme or combination that you like, and mix each color with a pouring medium to make it more fluid and pourable.

        Pour the paint onto the canvas: You can pour the paint in any way you like, such as layering colors in a cup or pouring them directly onto the canvas in a random pattern.

        Tilt the canvas to move the paint: Use a tilted surface to move the paint around and create patterns and designs.

        Let the paint dry: Once you're happy with the design, let the paint dry completely before displaying or sharing it on social media.

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