Sweet 16
Set TitleSweet 16 to Spin the wheel, that you can use to pick a random item from the list
- Arizona
- North Carolina
- St. Peter
- Gonzaga
- Arkansas
- Michigan
- Villanova
- Texas Tech
- Duke
- Houston
- Purdue
- Kansas
- Providence
- Iowa State
- Miami
Use commas when adding multiple.
- ArizonaDelete
- North CarolinaDelete
- St. PeterDelete
- GonzagaDelete
- ArkansasDelete
- MichiganDelete
- VillanovaDelete
- Texas TechDelete
- DukeDelete
- HoustonDelete
- PurdueDelete
- KansasDelete
- ProvidenceDelete
- Iowa StateDelete
- UCLADelete
- MiamiDelete
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