HomeSpin The Wheel

Set Title
  • Stone
  • Wooden
  • iron
  • emrald
  • rage blade
  • bow
  • Dimond
  • golden scythe

Use commas when adding multiple.

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        Swords bedwars Spin the wheel, "Swords Bedwars" is likely a reference to a game mode in the popular video game, Minecraft. that you can use to pick a random item from the list: Stone, Wooden, iron, emrald, rage blade, bow, Dimond, golden scythe.

        "Bedwars" is a popular game mode in Minecraft's multiplayer mode where players form teams and battle each other to be the last team standing. In the Swords Bedwars mode, players use swords as their primary weapon.

        In this mode, players gather resources, build defenses, and try to destroy the opposing team's "beds" while protecting their own. If a player's bed is destroyed, they can no longer respawn, making it crucial for teams to protect their beds and eliminate their opponents. The game ends when all players from one team have been eliminated. The use of swords adds a new level of strategy and tactics to the game, as players must balance the need to gather resources, build defenses, and engage in combat.