HomeSpin The Wheel

Set Title
  • Be afk during battle for 1 min
  • Play bopeebo
  • Play run 3 times
  • do the sus with polley
  • Say Poops
  • say Funky Friday is trash
  • say polley is chad
  • Become a slender
  • Do [HYPERLINK] but be afk for the whole song
  • say polley is cute
  • Spin again
  • Say "Toxic is bad"

Use commas when adding multiple.

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        The funky Friday punishment wheel Spin the wheel, The Hazel family is a surname commonly found in English-speaking countries, such as the United Kingdom, the United States, and Canada. that you can use to pick a random item from the list: Be afk during battle for 1 min, Play bopeebo, Play run 3 times, do the sus with polley, Say Poops, say Funky Friday is trash, say polley is chad, Become a slender, Do HYPERLINK but be afk for the whole song, say polley is cute, Spin again, Say "Toxic is bad".

        Like all surnames, the Hazel family name is passed down from one generation to the next, and individuals with the same surname are not necessarily related by blood. The origin of the Hazel surname is believed to be English and is derived from the Middle English word "hazel," which was used to describe a type of tree. Individuals with the Hazel surname may have a common ancestor who lived near or worked with hazel trees, or who was thought to resemble the qualities of the hazel tree. Today, the Hazel surname is found throughout the world and is held by people of diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds.

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