HomeSpin The Wheel

Set Title
  • Bekah
  • Brook
  • Allie
  • Trin
  • Lex
  • Raj
  • Madi
  • Mercedes
  • Riley
  • sarah
  • Shaliah
  • Harley

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        Zeta Committees Spin the wheel, I apologize for my previous response, with the information provided, "Zeta committees" may refer to a specific group or committees within a fraternity or sorority that goes by the name Zeta. that you can use to pick a random item from the list: Bekah, Brook, Allie, Trin, Lex, Raj, Madi, Mercedes, Riley, sarah, Shaliah, Harley.

        Fraternities and sororities often have multiple committees that handle different aspects of the organization, such as philanthropy, recruitment, social events, and member education. Zeta committees could be any of those committees specific to the fraternity or sorority Zeta.

        It is also possible that Zeta committees are a different type of organization or group that uses the name Zeta. Without more information, it is difficult to provide a specific answer.

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