HomeSpin The Wheel

Set Title
  • tommy
  • cat
  • bella
  • bella
  • arshida
  • tommy
  • tommy
  • tommy
  • bella
  • arshida
  • arshda
  • Tommy
  • tommy
  • tommy
  • bella
  • bella

Use commas when adding multiple.

    0 items

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        Who chose the game to Spin the wheel, that you can use to pick a random item from the list: tommy, cat, bella, bella, arshida, tommy, tommy, tommy, bella, arshida, arshda, Tommy, tommy, tommy, bella, bella.

        It is not clear what game you are referring to. In most cases, the person or group who chooses a game is the one who is organizing the activity or event where the game will be played. For example, if a group of friends are planning to play a game together, they may discuss and decide together which game to play. In other cases, the choice of game may be determined by the rules or regulations of a particular event or competition. For example, in a sports tournament, the organizers may specify which games will be played and which rules will apply. In general, the person or group who has the authority or responsibility to decide on the game is the one who has chosen the game.