HomeSpin The Wheel

Set Title
  • BoM: (event) Lehi's dream
  • BoM: (person) Lehi
  • BoM: (event) Nephi builds a boat
  • BoM: (person) Nephi
  • BoM: (object) The Brass plates
  • BoM: (object) The Liahona
  • BoM: (person) Abinidi
  • BoM: (person) King Noah
  • BoM: (person) Alma the Younger
  • BoM: (person) King Benjamin
  • BoM: (person) Ammon
  • BoM: (person) Son's of Helaman
  • BoM: (person) Captain Moroni
  • BoM: (object) Title of Liberty
  • DCPGP: (person) Jospeh Smith
  • DCPGP: (person) Angel Moroni
  • DCPGP: (object) Gold Plates
  • DCPGP: (person) Emma Smith
  • DCPGP: (object) Kirkland Temple
  • DCPGP: (object) Navoo Temple
  • DCPGP: (person) Pioneers
  • DCPGP: (person) Brigham Young
  • DCPGP: (object) Salt Lake Temple
  • DCPGP: (person) Moses
  • DCPGP: (person) Abraham

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        Book of Mormon (Green) Spin the wheel, The Book of Mormon is a religious text of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) and other Latter Day Saint denominations. that you can use to pick a random item from the list: BoM: (event) Lehi's dream, BoM: (person) Lehi, BoM: (event) Nephi builds a boat, BoM: (person) Nephi, BoM: (object) The Brass plates, BoM: (object) The Liahona, BoM: (person) Abinidi, BoM: (person) King Noah, BoM: (person) Alma the Younger, BoM: (person) King Benjamin, BoM: (person) Ammon, BoM: (person) Son's of Helaman, BoM: (person) Captain Moroni, BoM: (object) Title of Liberty, DCPGP: (person) Jospeh Smith, DCPGP: (person) Angel Moroni, DCPGP: (object) Gold Plates, DCPGP: (person) Emma Smith, DCPGP: (object) Kirkland Temple, DCPGP: (object) Navoo Temple, DCPGP: (person) Pioneers, DCPGP: (person) Brigham Young, DCPGP: (object) Salt Lake Temple, DCPGP: (person) Moses, DCPGP: (person) Abraham.

        It is considered to be a sacred scripture, along with the Bible, by members of the LDS Church. The Book of Mormon is said to be a record of the ancient inhabitants of the Americas, and tells the story of their religious beliefs, history, and interactions with God. It is said to have been translated by the prophet Joseph Smith from golden plates that were revealed to him by an angel in 1827. The book covers a period of over a thousand years and contains the writings of several ancient prophets, including Lehi, Nephi, and Mormon.

        The Book of Mormon is divided into smaller books, similar to the Bible, such as 1 Nephi, 2 Nephi, Alma, Helaman, 3 Nephi, 4 Nephi, Mormon, Ether, and Moroni. The content of the book include the history of the Americas, religious teachings, and prophecies. The book is considered by members of the LDS Church to be a companion to the Bible and to be another witness of Jesus Christ.

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