gd bfb edition
Set Titlegd bfb edition to Spin the wheel, that you can use to pick a random item from the list
- Pie
- Stapy
- Clock
- Lollipop
- Bracelety
- Fanny
- Balloon
- Foldy
- Match
- Ice cube
- Gelatin
- Bubble
- Fries
- Donut
- Puff ball
- Book
- Two
Use commas when adding multiple.
- PieDelete
- StapyDelete
- ClockDelete
- LollipopDelete
- BraceletyDelete
- FannyDelete
- BalloonDelete
- FoldyDelete
- MatchDelete
- Ice cubeDelete
- GelatinDelete
- BubbleDelete
- FriesDelete
- DonutDelete
- Puff ballDelete
- BookDelete
- TwoDelete
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