Marvel Characters (comic versions)Set Title
Marvel Characters (comic versions) Spin the wheel, Explore the world of Marvel Comics with our collection of comic version characters! Our lineup of Marvel Characters features the original, classic versions of your favorite superheroes and villains. that you can use to pick a random item from the list.
- The juggernaut
- Moon knight
- World breaker hulk
- Ultron
- Blade
- Mandarin
- Starlord
- Miles morales
- The wasp
- Thanos
- Drax
- Groot
- Thor
- Vision
- Mr. Fantastic
- Dead pool
- Wolverine
- Pheonix
- Black panther
- Green goblin
- Doctor octopus
- Venom
- Cyclops
- Gambit
- Task master
- Ghost rider
- Spider-man
- Captain America
- Rhino
- Silver surfer
- Daredevil
- Iron man
- King pin
- Doctor doom
- Cosmic ghost rider
- Beast
- Rouge
- Ben grem
- Hela
- Punisher
- Doctor strange
- Flame on
- Electro
- Supreme iron man
- Namor
- Hulk
- Iron fist
- Invisaible women
- Red skull
- Howard the duck
- Spider gwen
- Carnage
- Night crawler
- Hit monkey
- Ant-man
- Spider-ham
- Nova
- Magnito
- kang
- apocalypse
- dormammu
- Craven the hunter
- The super skrull
- sutur
Use commas when adding multiple.
- The juggernautDelete
- Moon knightDelete
- World breaker hulkDelete
- UltronDelete
- BladeDelete
- MandarinDelete
- StarlordDelete
- Miles moralesDelete
- The waspDelete
- ThanosDelete
- DraxDelete
- GrootDelete
- ThorDelete
- VisionDelete
- Mr. FantasticDelete
- Dead poolDelete
- WolverineDelete
- PheonixDelete
- Black pantherDelete
- Green goblinDelete
- Doctor octopusDelete
- VenomDelete
- CyclopsDelete
- GambitDelete
- Task masterDelete
- Ghost riderDelete
- Spider-manDelete
- Captain AmericaDelete
- RhinoDelete
- Silver surferDelete
- DaredevilDelete
- Iron manDelete
- King pinDelete
- Doctor doomDelete
- Cosmic ghost riderDelete
- BeastDelete
- RougeDelete
- Ben gremDelete
- HelaDelete
- PunisherDelete
- Doctor strangeDelete
- Flame onDelete
- ElectroDelete
- Supreme iron manDelete
- NamorDelete
- HulkDelete
- Iron fistDelete
- Invisaible womenDelete
- Red skullDelete
- Howard the duckDelete
- Spider gwenDelete
- CarnageDelete
- Night crawlerDelete
- Hit monkeyDelete
- Ant-manDelete
- Spider-hamDelete
- NovaDelete
- MagnitoDelete
- kangDelete
- apocalypseDelete
- dormammuDelete
- Craven the hunterDelete
- The super skrullDelete
- suturDelete
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