Server Members
Set TitleServer Members to Spin the wheel, that you can use to pick a random item from the list
- Flame
- Llama
- Shadow
- Butter
- Raph
- Hubby
- Project_SANZ
- Foxy
- Ash
- EJ
- G.Freddy
- Gardevoir
- Night
- Rouge
- Slippy
- Strikzey
Use commas when adding multiple.
- FlameDelete
- LlamaDelete
- ShadowDelete
- ButterDelete
- RaphDelete
- HubbyDelete
- Project_SANZDelete
- FoxyDelete
- AshDelete
- EJDelete
- G.FreddyDelete
- GardevoirDelete
- NightDelete
- RougeDelete
- SlippyDelete
- StrikzeyDelete
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You can then spin the wheel by flicking it with your finger or using a spinning tool, such as a pencil or pointer, to give it a spin.
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